Evan Seinfeld welcomes viewers to the world of incredible tattoo art photography by his homegirl, Justice Howard.
He is at the amazing Lord Balfour Hotel in South Beach, Miami, located at Fifth on Ocean and Fourth, right on the beach. This boutique hotel has embraced Justice’s stunning tattoo photography art, adorning its walls with some of her most iconic photographs. Each of the hotel’s approximately 58 or 64 rooms features a full-wall mural print of one of Justice’s beautiful tattooed ladies.
Even the carpets in the hotel are inspired by tattoos from her models, covering four or five floors and wrapping around the entire building. It’s incredible and something Evan personally adores—seeing this magnificent artwork brought to life in a functional and artistic way.
For those who feel the world can be a bit plain, the Lord Balfour Hotel, with its Justice Howard tattoo art, is a vibrant escape. Evan encourages everyone to check out her book, watch the video, and immerse themselves in her unique artistic vision.